We've had an increasing amount of questions around right to work and what changes planned for  September 2022 mean for Members. Work is already underway to review Right to Work IDTV solutions available for use with the myjobscotland Talentlink platform. 

We'll update via the superuser snapshot as and when we have more information, but all updates will be available below so check back here previous and current comms;

Update Feb 2023

An IDTV solution is being developed in partnership with the Improvement Service myaccount facility. This solution, like Amiqus, would allow Councils to contact successful candidates via email from Talentlink, linking to the Yoti platform where they would undertake a digital RtW Check.

This solution is more cost effective and also simplifies procurement as most Councils have already accepted the myaccount terms.

A scoping exercise is scheduled to take place on 28th February, after which we will develop a myjobscotland prototype, allowing us to demo the functionality mid to late March.

Update March 2023

The spec of work has now been signed off which now allows Improvement Service to build a proof of concept. It is expected that build will be finished allowing IS to test the week starting 17th April. Providing this is successful wider testing with Aberdeenshire will begin 24th April.

Update May 2023

The first iteration of the online digital RtW solution using Yoti is now in testing phase with Aberdeenshire and Glasgow City Councils. Test data has been added for the import of bulk data to be tested on Friday 19th. We will update after testing concludes.

Update July 2023

Testing is well underway with Aberdeenshire and is scheduled to be finished by the end of this month. After which, COSLA will review the feedback with the Improvement Service and address and resolve any identified issues. We will then look at timescales for rolling out go live for Aberdeenshire and the wider user base.

Update Sept 2023

The project is now in the final stages of testing and very nearly signed off. Aberdeenshire Council will go live on October 23rd. After launch we plan to hold online demo's of the solution to allow other organisations to see what is available and opt whether to use the platform. 

If an organisation already knows they would like to proceed there are some initial steps you can be taking to prepare;

  1. Undertake a DPIA for your organisation on using the Yoti Digital RtW platform via myaccount
  2. Update your existing SoW and the Controller to Controller agreement with the Improvement Service